Home My Experience of Hacking Dutch Government

My Experience of Hacking Dutch Government

My Experience of Hacking Dutch Government

Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim (In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful) Assalamu Alaikum (peace be upon you)


Long story short, I just get started with Bug Bounty in 2020 and saw this Bounty Boy (Mohammad Abdullah) with his Dutch Government swag.


Just look at the Quote line. The word government was the killer one. So now what, I need this swag badly. But wait, i just get started few weeks ago even don’t know how to run burpsuite. As like all other newbie i DM that guy for the tip how he got that. Then he just gave me a github repo and told me to try harder. Seriously man i was expecting he will give me something by running that script i will get the swag, at least some secret method. But what he gave me a list of domain for Dutch Gov websites. Here is the repo. It contain 650+ host to find bugs.

My Approach

If i be honest i was so confuse coz i have to look into 650+ host and i dont know how to do basic vulnerability assesment. So i just reported some SPF & Clickjack but no luck they close as N/A. Fine, i have to do something else. After passing couple of days i understood that, with this knowledge it’s not possible to break into their security. I took a step back and start learning about some basics. Please note that during that whole week i visited most of that websites and saw that there is no authentication for those hosts so it means no more authentication related easy bugs. From a beginner point of view, it just sound insane and damn hard to hit. But we don’t care how hard it is right !

During that break time i start learning about Recon. Yes, you hear it right recon. This PentesterLand resources just worked awesome for me. I read all of them, every single one. After study couple of weeks i got a good basic understanding about how to approach a target in general

Final Methodology

So we have lot’s of hosts with no authentication. So i call this workflow is, fly over the target

Get Only Live Hosts

while read domain; do if host “$domain” > /dev/null; then echo $domain;fi;done<DutchGov.txt >> domains.txt

Get All Subdomain

for sub in $(cat domains.txt);do subfinder -d $sub -o $sub.dutch;done

Gather All Subdomain

cat *.dutch > all.sub

Fuzz All The Things

for i in $(cat all.sub); do echo””; echo “Subdomain of $i”;echo “”;gobuster dir -w wordlist.txt -u $i -e -o tmp ;cat tmp >> dutch.fuzz; echo “”; done

Server Details for CVE

for sub in $(cat all.sub);do echo “[*] Domain Name is => “ $sub;echo “[*] Server Header is => “ $(http — verify=no -h $sub | grep Server);echo “ “;done

Scan Ports well when i was doing i have done this process with nmap manually, i only scanned those hosts where i found juicy staff during previous steps But now there lots of fast scanner available to automate this process. I didn’t check them yet, so do some research yourself

Web ScreensShot I already have visited all of those sites so no need for me, but you can try

You may notice i didn’t check for any parameter or any kind of Injection attack. The truth is, that time i actually didn’t know how to test parameters. If you want you can follow this one

Wayback Machine Urls

cat domains.txt | waybackurls | urlprobe -t 50 -c 100 | grep “=”

End Story

I had a vps so for me it was not that much hard to do. every nigh i run them with tmux and in morning i got juicy staff. After reporting couple of bugs one got triage as High impact and finally Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah alone) i got that lousy T-Shirt



Name: Mehedi Hasan Remon Handle: @remonsec

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